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Last modified 25.08.23


Cookie Policy


This Cookie Policy explains how Spacerockx ("Spacerockx") uses cookies and similar technologies on its website and services in compliance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Any terms not specifically defined (with initial capital letters in the original English version) are to be understood as defined in the Privacy Policy.


  1. What is a cookie?


Cookies are small text files stored in a computer's browser directory. They help website operators understand how visitors use their websites. They remember a user's login information and store personal preferences for websites.



2. Does Spacerockx use cookies?


Yes. We use cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy to:


  • ensure that our services run smoothly,
  • detect and prevent fraud,
  • understand how visitors use and interact with our website, and
  • analyze and improve our services.



3. Who sets the cookies when I use Spacerockx's website?


There are two main types of cookies that can be set:

  • First-party cookies: these cookies are placed and read by Spacerockx directly while you use our services;
  • Third-party cookies: these cookies are set by other providers such as Google or Facebook for website analytics. More information on managing these types of cookies can be found in the following sections.



4. How Spacerockx uses cookies


Cookies are essential as they help us provide our services effectively and securely. The following sections describe commonly used cookie types and their respective purposes.

Required Cookies

Some cookies are essential for the operation of our website and services, making them usable and secure by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. We use these cookies, among other purposes, for:


  • Authentication. The program remembers your login status so that you do not have to log in again each time you navigate our website and dashboard.
  • Fraud prevention and detection. Using cookies and similar technologies on our website, we obtain information about the computers and browsers used to access the services. With this information, we can monitor our services and detect potentially harmful or illegal activities.


Preference Cookies

Spacerockx uses preference cookies to remember preferred settings and recognize you when you repeatedly use our services.


Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our services. We use these cookies, among other purposes, for:


  • Website features and services. The program remembers how you prefer to use our services so that you do not have to reconfigure your settings each time you log into your account.
  • Analysis and improvement of our services. Our website and services work better for you this way. Cookies help us understand how visitors arrive at our website and those of our users. They provide us with insights into what improvements or optimizations we need to make to our website and services.
  • Third-party analytics. To collect and analyze information about the use of services and report on activities and trends using Google Analytics. This feature can also collect information about the use of other websites, apps, and online resources. Information on Google's methods can be found on the Google website.


Advertising Cookies

We and our service providers use cookies and similar technologies on to target and display advertisements for Spacerockx services on other websites that you visit, and to track your activities related to these ads.



5. User consent and disabling cookies


We obtain user consent for the use of non-essential cookies (e.g., analytical and advertising cookies) in accordance with GDPR and CCPA requirements, through a cookie banner or similar mechanism. Users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

Although you cannot disable cookies required for the provision of our services, you can manage your cookie settings directly in your browser. Consult the help pages of your internet