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In our FAQ section, you'll find answers to questions about our services, processes, and solutions. We also answer general questions about updates, HubSpot CMS, child themes and more. 
What is a Theme? A theme in web development is a collection of design templates resources and functional modules that determine the look and feel of a website. Themes affect the visual presentation and, to some extent, the behavior of a website, including layouts, color schemes, fonts, and other design elements. In e.g. HubSpot CMS or WordPress, users can choose between different themes to customize the look of their website without changing the content.
What is a Child Theme?

A child theme is a concept often used in content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or HubSpot. It allows users to make customizations to an existing theme - called the Parent Theme or Main Theme- without changing the original code of the Parent Theme.

What's the difference between a Marketplace Theme Update and a Child Theme Update?

Theme Update refers to the main or parent theme of a website. An update for this theme means the developers of the parent theme have made changes, which might fix bugs, improve performance, add new features, or include other modifications. These updates are often essential for the security and functionality of your site. 

When the parent theme receives an update, it may change the way it interacts with the child theme. 
A child theme update ensures that both child and parent theme work well together with all new features.
It merges code, identifies and resolves conflicts (manual or automatically) between the child theme customizations and the parent theme's updates.
The result is: The website works perfectly again.

What Is the Relationship Between Child and Parent Themes? A child theme is isolated in terms of design and functional customizations, meaning that the changes you make in a child theme do not directly affect the overarching parent theme. It is a secure method to implement customizations without altering or overwriting the main files of the theme.

However, a child theme is not entirely isolated, as it depends on the functionalities and structures of the parent theme. The isolation aspect means that the child theme's files are not changed during an update of the parent theme. As a result, your customizations remain intact, even if the parent theme is updated.

The child theme derives its basic functionalities from the parent theme and, where necessary, extends or overrides them. 

In summary, a child theme is isolated in terms of customizations but not in terms of functionality – here, there is a direct dependency on the parent theme.
What's the difference between a Merge and a 3-Way Merge?

A "Merge" refers to the process of combining two or more sets of changes into one unified set. In software development, especially when using version control systems, changes are often made in separate branches that later need to be merged into a main or master branch.

A 3-Way Merge is a specific type of merging. It involves merging files based on three input files: the two files being merged and a common baseline or base version. This method uses the base version to determine what changes have been made in the other two files and how best to merge them. The advantage of a 3-Way Merge is that it can more accurately determine which changes to retain and which to combine, especially when different changes have been made in both files.

What are code conflicts? Origin of conflicts: Conflicts arise when two or more developers make different changes to the same section of code at the same time. When these changes need to be merged, our system cannot always automatically decide which version is correct.

Example: Suppose two developers are editing the same file. Developer A (HS Account Admin) changes a function at the beginning of the file, while Developer B (HS CMS Developer) simultaneously makes a different change to the same section. When we try to merge these changes, a conflict arises.

Spacerockx conflict resolution: We can resolve many conflicts automatically, but others must be resolved manually. This is usually done by a developer. If the conflict cannot be resolved even this way, then the developers involved (HS Account Admin and HS CMS Developer) must be involved to decide which changes to keep, modify or discard.
Why do we need updates?

Updates play a essential role in software maintenance and security. Here are some reasons why updates are important:


One of the most important arguments for updates is security. Cyber attacks and malware often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software. Updates close these security gaps and help protect your data and systems from attacks.

Bug fixes:

Software is not perfect and can contain bugs. Updates fix these bugs, improve stability, and keep it running smoothly.

Performance improvements:

Developers are constantly optimizing the efficiency of their software. Updates can improve the performance of your websites, resulting in faster and more efficient workflows.

New features:

In terms of websites, updates often bring new features and improvements that increase the usefulness, usability, and live performance of the website. These updates can help improve the efficiency, user experience, and speed of the website, which is critical for user retention and satisfaction.


The world of technology is constantly evolving. Updates make sure that your software remains compatible with new technologies, standards and other software products.

Legal Compliance:

In certain industries, legal and regulatory requirements may mandate regular software updates, especially when it comes to data privacy and security.

In short, regular updates are essential to ensure and improve the functionality, security and efficiency of your digital assets. They are an important part of digital maintenance and should not be neglected.

Why do we need design freedom/child themes?

The use of Child Themes in Content Management Systems (CMS) provides design freedom that is essential for many web developers and website owners. Here are some reasons why this freedom is so important:

Customization: Every brand or organization has its own identity that should be reflected in its online presence. Child Themes enable customization of an existing design according to individual preferences and specific brand requirements.

Functionality extensions: Often specific business or user needs require additional functionality that is not included in the original theme. With a Child Theme, such functionalities can be integrated without disturbing the core of the Parent Theme.

Quick Response to Trends: Web design and technology are constantly evolving. Child Themes allow website owners to quickly respond to new trends and technologies and update their website accordingly without having to redevelop the entire theme.

Learning and experimentation environment: for developers, a Child Theme offers an ideal platform to try out new ideas and expand skills without the risk of serious mistakes.

In summary, the design freedom offered by Child Themes provides a combination of customizability, security, efficiency, and innovation opportunity that is essential for successful and dynamic web development.

What are the most important aspects of an Child Theme?

Extension and customization: A Child Theme inherits the functionality and style of its Parent Theme, but allows you to make changes or add additional features without editing the Parent Theme directly.

Security during updates: Since changes are made in the child theme and not in the parent theme, these changes are preserved when the parent theme is updated. This means that users can update the Parent Theme without losing their customizations. However, these changes may need to be merged and any conflicts that arise resolved.

Easier maintenance: by making changes in the Child Theme and not in the Parent Theme source code, maintenance and troubleshooting is simplified.

Learning and experimentation: For beginners in web development, a child theme provides a safe environment to experiment and learn, as errors in the child theme are less severe than in the parent theme.

Separation of customizations: A child theme keeps customizations separate from the parent theme, which allows for a clearer separation of custom and original code.

In summary, a child theme provides a flexible and secure way to customize a website design without compromising the basic functionality and updateability of the parent theme.

What is a Template? In web development, a Template is a predefined layout structure or a pattern setup used as a basis for designing web pages, emails, newsletters, and other digital formats. Templates often contain placeholders for content and style elements, which can be replaced with specific information or design choices.
What is a Module? In software development, a module is a part of an application or system that includes a specific functionality or group of functions. In content management systems, a module often refers to a component or plugin that adds a specific function, such as a slider, contact form, or gallery.
What is a CMS (Content Management System)? A CMS is a software application or set of related programs used to create and manage digital content. CMS systems allow users to create, edit, manage, and publish content such as text, images, and videos on websites without technical knowledge. 
What problems can occur with updates?

Compatibility Issues: Updates may conflict with existing plugins, themes, or custom code, leading to malfunctions or breakdowns in website elements.

Security Risks: Delayed updates can lead to security vulnerabilities. Conversely, new updates might introduce unforeseen security flaws.

Data Loss: The risk of losing data during an update process, especially if adequate backups are not in place.

Performance issues: Some updates may reduce the performance of websites or applications due to increased resource consumption.

User Experience Changes: Updates can bring interface changes that may confuse users or degrade their experience.

Bugs in New Software: Despite thorough development and testing, new updates can contain bugs that are only discovered post-release.

Dependency Issues: In complex systems, updates to one component can cause unexpected problems in dependent components.

Update Complexity: For large and complex systems, the update process can be complicated and time-consuming.

Costs: Particularly in business environments, updates can involve expenses for testing, implementation, and training.

Lost Customizations: Custom adjustments in tailored systems or websites can be overwritten by a standard update.

Documentation and Training Needs: New features or changes may require updated documentation and user or staff training.

Legal and Compliance Issues: Certain updates may affect legal or compliance aspects that need careful examination and adjustment.

Interoperability with Other Systems: Updates can impact how a system interoperates with other systems and applications, especially in connected environments.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Extensive testing before implementing an update can be a time and resource-intensive process.

Infrastructure adjustments: Updates sometimes require changes to the underlying infrastructure or additional hardware resources.

Timing and Scheduling: The timing of updates is crucial, especially in mission-critical environments. Poor timing can lead to disruptions in operations or service availability.

What does HS stand for in web development? Most commonly, it is used as an abbreviation for "HubSpot"
What is HubSpot? 
HubSpot is a widely used software platform that offers tools for inbound marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). In the context of web development, HubSpot is particularly known for its content management system (CMS), marketing automation, and website building capabilities. It allows businesses to create, manage, and optimize their websites and digital marketing strategies in a cohesive and integrated manner.
What is HubL? HubL (HubSpot Markup Language) is a special markup language from HubSpot that allows to integrate dynamic content into HubSpot websites, landing pages, emails and blog posts. It is similar to other template languages for web development, but enables specific functions tailored to the HubSpot platform, such as the integration of HubSpot-specific modules, CRM data and user-defined data.

With HubL, developers can implement conditional logic, loop through data, define variables, and customize content to meet user needs, such as displaying or hiding content based on a contact's membership information. HubL is also used to create custom modules and extensions within the HubSpot CMS platform.

Meet our amazing team

This is one of the eye catching layout variants of our team module. Portrait your team members with their name, job position, personal bio, social links, photo and optionally group them by department.

  • C-Level
  • Developers
  • Designers
  • Consultants
  • Trainees
When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.
Gene Cernan Quote
Gene CernanAstronaut
”It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.
David Attenborough Quote
David AttenboroughNatural Historian
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What we have to say

With our blog post preview module you have lots of different layout and extensive filter options to push your content.


And generate leads with our Call-To-Action module.

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npm i -g srx-hs

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